Congratulations to Parasoft Virtualize Posted on July 30, 2012 by Code Curmudgeon A big congratulations to Parasoft Virtualize for their Jolt award for the Virtualize product. As an initial disclaimer and reminder, I do work for...
SQL Injection is So “2000-and-Late” Posted on July 17, 2012 by Code Curmudgeon I’m kind of surprised, or at least disappointed that we are still talking about SQL injection breaches. About a year ago I wrote about...
Java Memory Settings – JVM Heap Size Posted on May 9, 2012 by Code Curmudgeon When you run a Java program you don’t execute it the way you do an executable written in languages like C/C++. The program must...
How To Optimize Your Existing Regression Testing Posted on May 7, 2012 by Code Curmudgeon I spoke at the Quest 2012 conference in Chicago last week. The topic was “How To Optimize Your Existing Regression Testing”. My presentation covers...