
The glossary is a constant work-in-progress. If you have words you’d like to have defined let me know. Or if you have definitions that are messing, let me know that too.

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IAST -  IAST is interactive application security testing. It's also been known variously as hybrid security testing, gray-box, and glass-box. This technique blends the inside-out approach of SAST with the outside-in approach of DAST to give you deep code-level visibility of a running application while it's in a real running state. This helps reduce false positives but still has the thoroughness limitations of black-box techniques in that it's only as good as the test suite being run in terms of coverage.
- Synonyms: Interactive Application Security Testing
Internet of Things -  common devices that have been internet enabled in order to remotely monitor and manage them, or collaborate with other devices, or provide extra functionality by accessing the internet. Like an internet enabled thermostat that you can control with your smartphone - see the Nest from Google.
- Synonyms: IoT
Issue Tracking System -  Software that manages a list of problems or issues that an organization faces, such as bugs, tech support calls, etc.
- Synonyms: Problem Report System, PR, Bug Tracking, Bugzilla, Trouble Ticket