
The glossary is a constant work-in-progress. If you have words you’d like to have defined let me know. Or if you have definitions that are messing, let me know that too.

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false positive -  A result that is incorrect. Strictly speaking, it means that the tool providing the answer got it wrong. Generally it has a broader usage, meaning an error message that the developer doesn't think is important or real, either because of context or misunderstanding by the developer.
- Synonyms: data flow analysis
Flash -  Web-based multimedia platform. Used for putting animation, interactivity, and video on web pages.
- Synonyms: AI
flow analysis -  A form of static analysis that works by analyzing software by tracing data flows and paths that might be used when running the application. It can find weaknesses, but is subject to false positive results because the paths and data it finds my be improbable or impossible.
- Synonyms: data flow analysis
FRAND -  Fair Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory - a term used to describe certain patents that have been used in industry standards. It allows patent licenses on well defined fair terms for all users to support implementation of standards, such as Wi-Fi
- Synonyms: RAND