
The glossary is a constant work-in-progress. If you have words you’d like to have defined let me know. Or if you have definitions that are messing, let me know that too.

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Heisenbug -  Slang for a bug that disappears when you try to fix or reproduce it.
- Synonyms: salting
HSPA -  HSPA is <i>High Speed Packet Access</i> and normally refers to 3G networks. Some companies such as AT&T have built what they call HSPA+ networks with speeds approximately double traditional HSPA networks.
- Synonyms: HSPA+
HTML5 -  HTML5 is the most recent version of the HTML standard. It is a language used to create web pages. Currently it is a draft standard, but it supported by all major browsers. HTML4 is the current actual standard.
- Synonyms: AI
hypervisor -  A light-weight OS that primarily sits between virtual machines and the hardware. Its job is to manage the physical resources and share them between the virtual machines. Since it's not a full-blown OS it takes less resources itself and provides better performance.
- Synonyms: ESXi